SUHJA Spring Circuit MARCH 2020

ft. Rue Chen & Kaine's Trenton
The kids at Kaine were not your typical equestrians. They did not live and breathe horses and for most of them, horses were just a hobby on top of a laundry list of other extracurriculars - swim team, cross country, orchestra, Vietnamese school on the weekends, all this on top of keeping grades afloat. Unfortunately, Ms. Rue Chen was not as on top of this as she or her parents would have wished.
Despite the fact that the show was only a short 20 minute drive away, Rue still found herself late, evidence graciously provided by the chocolate chip banana bread stain that she just could not seem to cover no matter how she readjusted her coat. Hopefully people would just think she was itchy, or dusty, or anything not banana bread related for all she cared. She tugged at her jacket one last time (that was a lie) as she sat atop Trent, Denn holding onto his bridle while they waited for their turn. For someone so familiar with failure, Rue still could never get used to it.