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Tanns Krombacher
Our very first homebred, Velvet inherited the athleticism of both her sire and dam, receiving the best of both worlds. She's a goof outside of the ring but under saddle, just like her dam, she means business.

Karelia - Krombacher


TS3W 2018-09-11 10-52-11-smaller

Karelia - Krombacher
Gender: Gelding
Birth: 03/18
Age: 6
Breed: Westphalian
Height: 17 hh
Phenotype: Bay
Eye Color: Brown
Discipline: Show Jumping
Handler: Emmeryn Kaine
Owner: Kaine

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Santana KN
Tanns Herbstgewitter
Tanns Rosenmaedchen
RDEC Sevila
RDEC Cavaillard
Silk Spectre KN
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